Alex Sa Alves
Alex Sa Alves, L. Ac., TCMD, BA.HS.
Prior to pursuing my doctor’s degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Herbology, I worked at various Community Clinics and Hospitals as a nurse for many years and became interested in the approach of Eastern medicine thoughtfully combined with Western medicine in the treatment of each patient’s overall condition. It often produced therapeutic results that exceeded expectations. This experience has shaped my dedication in providing a holistic, patient-centered care with the modern integration of Western and Eastern medicine. During my studies, I took my medical internship in China at the Liaoning University. This Internship offered a wonderful experience to learn different Styles of Acupuncture and Traditional Herbal Formulas in the Hospital and Rehabilitation Center of Shenyang City. My passion for herbology grew from this experience and established the belief of curing the body holistically with acupuncture and herbal formulas to speed up the healing process. Eastern medicine is truly a natural science that is grounded in spirit and the heart, a combination that resonates greatly with me as a practitioner. It is my goal to create a safe environment, providing effective clinical services to all patients, and enabling them to envision a natural and healthy life. I am very honored to give back to the community.